Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Baby Rash Swollen 7week Baby-heat Rash ,but Now Swollen Eyelids Help!!!!!?

7week Baby-heat rash ,but now swollen eyelids Help!!!!!? - baby rash swollen

Monday is our daughter to the doctor and he told me he had a bath every day a rash of heat and oatmel, so we did that, but the rash seems worse, redder blotvhes. She has scabs on his head and I had to get rid of this baby, we oil.yesterday again, and when my husband put the cushion OPN I realized it was more red (face, neck and the backs of their ears and Stiky a little dry. I have also noticed red and swollen eyelids. the only thing you had on your face baby oil on the crust eyebrows cuz things about her. Is this normal when the eyelids are swollen?


:P said...

You must keep in the refrigerator heat buttons. Then go faster. swollen eyes are normal in newborns, of course, unless they are abnormally swollen. If they are, and it looks really bad, then have to go to the hospital. But its common for newborns to have swollen eyelids.

Vanessa♥ said...

idk crust on the eyelids, but maybe you have allergies?

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