Monday, November 16, 2009

Bmi Recommended For A Teenager Opinions On BMI !! Unfair To Those Of Larger Build?

Opinions on BMI !! unfair to those of larger build? - bmi recommended for a teenager

I would like peoples opinion on body mass index (BMI) and their use in today's society. Personally I do not like how you calculate your BMI, if a person is overweight, consider dosnt since its construction, whether small, medium or large. Does anyone know another way to calculate whether you are overweight? Answering questions on Yahoo Answers, I see many girls asked if they are overweight, and the response to the IMC. Personally, I have a great sport (like a man, lol) and if I recommended weight for BMI Id move lean rats. I would like opinions from people I personally, that BMI is far too high, thinking to hear.


Liddy is Lost said...

Not good for people with different structure. Probably best to go with the percentage of body fat. You can buy body fat calipers (measured by Accu-professionally measure) and / or areas of body fat (Tanita) to get an idea of the percentage of fat in the body or being.

Percentage of female body fat:

10% -12% of body fat important
13% -17% Athletes / Body Builders
18% -24% Ideal Fitness
25% -31% Fair
32% + excess fat


sissy said...

very unfair that weigh much, but I do not believe it.I have tried to lose more weight, but to tell all my colleagues, I began to observe.

Apple A said...

I think it is a good starting point for people who are overweight and you need a goal. It offers an ideal weight for each individual, but it seems that many people do not know how they are overweight. The fact that a real number that have an idea of whether they are overweight or obese, losing the amount of weight, you in the normal BMI range does get his job.

Justyn said...

I think it's good. try percentage of body fat. ULL just Google and find a simulator for them.

Bluey said...

BMI is unfair to focus more on what is a measure of body weight against the amount of leave. Since muscle heavier than fat, people who have more muscle you have more mass. So that the increase in body mass index.

Other methods for determining body fat and its distribution are measures fatfold (measured by measuring the thickness fatfolds) hydrodesitometrry (body density by comparing the difference in weight compared to submerged land in the water), bioelectrical impedance (the thinnest person, less current, resistance and the level of resistance can be used to determine the percentage of body fat to).

I personally believe that bioelectrical impedance is the easiest to use, but not often seen. However, BMI is more frequently used in health care.

eventful... said...

BMS is not really much, except that people who are insecure about your weight for the calculation even more precarious

Your stupid

Look urself in the mirror, if .. u look healthy and curves, then ur good

if u dont, your not
IN 109 and 5'1 but see somem thin man, 5'6 and is 100
who cares

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